Sr.No Particulars Standard as per
ISO 13006/En 176 Group Bla
Oxiva Ceramic Value Method of Testing
1 Deviation In Length +0.60% +0.10% ISO 10545 - 2
2 Deviation In Thickness +5% +2% ISO 10545 - 2
3 Straightness Of Sides +0.50% +0.10% ISO 10545 - 2
4 Rectangularity +0.60% +0.20% ISO 10545 - 2
5 Surface Flatness +0.50% +0.20% ISO 10545 - 2
6 Water Absorption* < 0.05% < 0.05% ISO 10545 - 2
7 Mohs Hardness* <6 <7 EN 101
8 Flexural Straightness* >35 N/MM ² >45 N/MM ² ISO 10545 - 4
9 Abrasion Resistance >175 MM ³ >144 MM ³ ISO 10545 - 6
10 Skid Resistance >0.4 >0.4 ISO 10545 - 17
11 Breaking Strength* 1113 N 2500 N ISO 10545 - 4
12 Density(g/cc) >2 2.4 ISO 10545 - 3
13 Frost Resistance Frost Proof Frost Proof ISO 10545 - 12
14 Chemical Resistance No Damage No Damage ISO 10545 - 13
15 Thermal Shock Resistance No Damage No Damage ISO 10545 - 9
16 Colour Resistance No Damage No Damage DIN 51094
17 Thermal Expansion <9x10-6 <6x10-6 ISO 10545 - 8
18 Stain Resistance Resistant Resistant DIN 51094
19 Moisture Expansion Nil Nil DIN 51094
20 Glossiness - >65% reflection Gloss Meter

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